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Take Action

Together, we can make a difference. Join USA for UNHCR’s global community of advocates who are standing with refugees — raising their voices to protect refugee rights, ensuring they are welcomed into new communities and empowering them with resources and protection so they can rebuild their lives.

Right to Seek Safety

Everyone has the right to seek asylum and be protected from war, violence and persecution. But for many people in many parts of the world, this right is under threat. This December we have a chance to advocate for change as world leaders gather at the Global Refugee Forum in Switzerland. Show your solidarity by joining USA for UNHCR and urging world leaders to uphold their legal and moral obligations to all people forced to flee their homes.

Hope Away From Home

Too often, refugees face social, economic or cultural barriers to restarting their lives in a new community. The most effective way to support resettled families and refugees is to welcome them with open arms and ensuring they can apply for jobs, enroll in school and access social services, like housing and healthcare. Join USA for UNHCR and give refugees more hope — and more opportunities — while they are away from home.

Stand with Asylum Seekers at the U.S. Southern Border

Thousands of people are fleeing deadly gang violence, extortion, sexual assault or persecution in northern Mexico. Many people are seeking asylum at the U.S. southern border but are being sent back to Mexico or to the countries they fled under Title 42. Join USA for UNHCR and help welcome families approaching the U.S. southern border in search of safety.

Whoever, Wherever, Whenever

The right to seek safety is a fundamental human right. With more than 120 million people forced to flee their homes because of war, violence or persecution and critical emergencies adding to this figure everyday—we must act in solidarity and welcome people seeking safety from conflict. Whoever they are, wherever they come and whenever people are forced to flee — join USA for UNHCR and add your name to say: Every person has the right to seek safety.

Support Refugees From Ukraine

Millions of people in Ukraine have fled for their lives following escalating violence, and more are fleeing every day. The overwhelming majority of the refugees and displaced are women and children, and all are in need of humanitarian assistance. We need to take action. Join USA for UNHCR and add your name in solidarity with refugees fleeing war and violence in Ukraine.

Combat Climate Change

For millions of people, climate change is not theoretical. It's life or death. And most do not have the resources necessary to adapt. More than 70 percent of the world's displaced people live in countries on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Sign your name now to join USA for UNHCR and speak up for displaced people who are suffering from the dire impacts of climate change. 

Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines for Refugees

As COVID-19 vaccines become more available, we cannot forget those who are often the most vulnerable and at particular risk of being left behind in the pandemic recovery — the more than 120 million refugees and forcibly displaced people worldwide. The global response to this pandemic must include all of us. Sign the petition to stand up for refugees’ inclusion in national vaccine plans and to support health, safety and recovery for all.  

Increase U.S. Refugee Admissions

We are in the midst of the largest global refugee crisis in history. More than 120 million people are currently displaced because of war, violence and persecution. We need to take action.  Add your name to the petition to support renewing the United States' commitment to refugees and a robust increase in annual refugee admissions.

Keep Pathways to Asylum Open

War, violence and persecution have not ended in the face of this pandemic, and people around the world are still being forced to flee. They need support and protection now as much as ever. Sign the petition to call on global leaders to keep borders and pathways to asylum open during the pandemic.

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