Winter is the hardest part of the year for many refugees. Having fled their homes in a matter of seconds – most left with only the clothes on their backs. UNHCR is working to ensure as many refugees as possible have the necessary winter items to survive dropping temperatures, snow and cold rain.
You can help make a difference this holiday season. There are lots of ways to get involved, raise awareness and make an impact for refugees struggling to survive this winter. Your support can go along way and help give refugees around the world hope for a brighter future.
Funding shortfalls have made reaching each and every refugee this winter a challenge. As numbers continue to grow – UNHCR urgently needs more funding to protect and save more lives.
Your gift will help UNHCR reach the most vulnerable people around the world with life-saving assistance like blankets, cooking stoves, warm clothes and heavy-duty tents for protection. Your gift could mean reaching one more family this winter.
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Each of us has the power to make a difference – all it takes is a tweet or sharing something meaningful on social media. Over 51.2 million men, women and children have fled their homes and each of them needs a voice. That voice could be you.
Share one of the following tweets or Facebook image with your friends and family and help raise awareness about the plight of refugees and the urgent needs of those most vulnerable this winter.
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You can easily setup a fundraiser online with our awesome partner, CrowdRise. Crowdrise is an easy-to-use platform that allows you to reach out to your friends and family and invite them to give back to your favorite charity. Ask your friends and family to donate in lieu of holiday gifts or to simply give back this holiday season!
We consider our monthly donors part of our extended Emergency Response Team. It’s easy, cost-effective and makes a huge impact each and every month. Our monthly donors help UNHCR go the extra mile to rebuild the lives of refugees and give them hope for a brighter future.
Start changing lives today.
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Still doing your holiday shopping? While shopping online at – consider choosing USA for UNHCR when you checkout with Amazon Smile. Shopping never made such a big impact.