Before war destroyed her hometown of Aleppo, Syria, Amira and her family led a happy, quiet life. Her husband Hamad worked in a clothing factory and she stayed home to care for Amani, their first child.
But violence continued to rage in Syria, and Amira and Hamad knew that it was safer to flee than to stay. After crossing into Lebanon in 2016, the family found shelter in the Bekaa Valley, a remote mountainous region where they now live with other family members.
Despite the trauma she's endured — and the struggles she continues to face — it doesn't take much to make Amira happy. If Amani has a safe place to sleep, enough food, clothes and medicine when she’s sick, then this young mother is at peace.
If her little girl is safe,
then Amira is happy.
Caring Americans who support USA for UNHCR have given Amira that priceless feeling of peace by providing secure shelter. This past winter, when temperatures routinely dipped below freezing, cash assistance from the UN Refugee Agency enabled Amira to pay for heating fuel along with food, medical care and other necessities.
Amira continues to rely on donor support to help provide her child a desperately needed sense of security. "I'm very proud of my house, because I always keep it clean and tidy," she said. Although that house is no more than four walls and a roof, it's a refuge where Amira can watch her daughter laugh and play and tuck her into bed each night.
As Mother's Day approaches, USA for UNHCR celebrates all refugee mothers like Amira. Despite grave threats to their safety, they are strong, resilient — and determined to protect and provide for their children. With generous donor support, UNHCR will do everything in its power to give refugee mothers the resources they need to secure brighter futures for their children.
Here's how you can help…
Like all mothers, refugee mothers like Amira want to keep their children safe and happy. Consider celebrating Mother’s Day by making sure these courageous women can rebuild their families' lives. Your monthly gifts will provide food, clothing, shelter, medical care — and hope. Please join your fellow caring Americans by starting your monthly gifts today.