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July 09, 2024

How UNHCR's Trust the Toucan program is helping refugees and migrants in South America stay safe

Following is a Q&A with Bryan Brennan, a Digital Communications Associate in the Protection Unit of UNHCR’s Multi-Country Office (MCO) in Panama. His role focuses on promoting UNHCR’s “Confía en el Tucán” (“Trust the Toucan”) campaign and supporting other activities in the region that involve digital engagement with key audiences.

When did the Trust the Toucan campaign start and what was the inspiration for the campaign?

UNHCR launched the "Trust the Toucan campaign" in May 2023, driven by evidence from its monthly protection monitoring exercises on the ground. Data showcases that people on the move consistently rely on social media for decision-making regarding their journeys. Recognizing this need, UNHCR created a platform in Panama to provide reliable and verified information. The inspiration came from successful projects like “Telling the Real Story,” developed by UNHCR in East Africa and similar campaigns such as “Confía en el Jaguar” in Mexico.

How is misleading information on social media impacting the decision of refugees and migrants to flee through the Darién jungle?

Misleading information on social media significantly influences the decisions of refugees and migrants crossing through the Darién jungle. Refugees and migrants interviewed by UNHCR consistently report witnessing accidents and deaths along the way. Misinformation downplays the risks, portraying the route as simple and trouble-free, starkly contrasting with the harsh reality they encounter. Those who manage to reach the reception centers run by the Panamanian Government continue to report instances of physical, psychological or sexual violence and abuse along the way.

Without awareness, refugees and migrants often find themselves in highly dangerous situations they are unprepared for. Providing accurate and reliable information is essential to ensure they make informed decisions and safeguard their well-being during the journey.

Bryan Brennan, left, interviews a refugee who crossed the Darien jungle.

How is the Trust the Toucan campaign addressing misinformation on the internet and social media?

The Trust the Toucan campaign tackles misinformation on the internet and social media by leveraging quantitative and qualitative data. This data enables UNHCR to pinpoint the key narratives of misinformation that specifically impact refugees and migrants, creating verified content. Additionally, through the Toucan platform, UNHCR disseminates reliable guidance on seeking asylum and accessing regular pathways, empowering informed decision-making processes.

Misinformation affects us all, but it disproportionately impacts those fleeing conflicts and persecution. Desperate people take desperate measures and find hope in messages that sell well. Their journey to safety is fraught with risks, including disinformation related to the path or access to services upon reaching the asylum country. In this critical context, accurate information becomes paramount.

By providing reliable data and support, we help refugees and migrants to make informed choices and mitigate risks. Integrating such initiatives into UNHCR programming is essential. Furthermore, the Trust the Toucan campaign’s innovative approach could inspire broader efforts, ensuring that refugees and migrants gain access to verified information, ultimately enhancing their safety throughout their journey.

How are you reaching people who might benefit from the campaign?

UNHCR is reaching the campaign's audience primarily through disseminating audiovisual pieces that tell the true story of what happens in the jungle, narrated by those who have already made the journey. This is complemented by Facebook ads and keywords that organically position our content in searches related to information about the Darién jungle.

What was your role in developing the Trust the Toucan campaign?

My role is to advance the platform’s positioning, create compelling content and refine outreach strategies. The primary goal is to ensure that the campaign’s message is effectively communicated, resonates with our target audience and contributes to combating misinformation while providing reliable guidance to refugees and migrants.

What are the biggest successes of the Trust the Toucan campaign?

The Toucan was born as an Excel sheet in front of which Protection and Communication colleagues brainstormed. In its inaugural year, the Toucan published 334 pieces of content, garnering over 16 million views. This success extends to countries of origin of refugees and migrants crossing the Darién jungle, including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile. The metrics underscore the campaign’s effective reach within its target audience.

Have there been any surprising outcomes from the campaign?

The Toucan quickly gained traction with a high volume of messages, comments and views.

Equally remarkable is the willingness of people to share their stories after enduring the dangerous jungle crossing. When refugees and migrants realize that their testimonies can protect others, they willingly contribute. This willingness to share personal, often harrowing experiences has significantly amplified the campaign’s impact and reach.

UNHCR’s Senior Communications Associate in Panama, Melissa Pinel (left), interviews a family from Venezuela who crossed the Darién jungle.

Why a toucan? Is there cultural or regional significance?

Our intention was for The Toucan to be familiar and approachable. Additionally, given its cultural significance as a native animal in Panama’s biodiversity, it symbolizes guidance and support—the very essence of what our campaign aims to provide.

What is next for the Trust the Toucan campaign?

The Toucan campaign focuses on reaching refugees and migrants before they encounter misinformation sources. Being proactive endows refugees and migrants with essential tools to discern credible information, ensuring our campaign remains at the forefront in combating misinformation. Additionally, UNHCR prioritizes enhancing on-the-ground efforts that intersect with digital platforms, primarily through collaboration with countries of origin in the region. However, UNHCR needs support to keep fighting against disinformation and misinformation affecting refugees and migrants crossing the Darién jungle.

How to help…

You can support innovative programs like Trust the Toucan that help refugees on all steps of their journey by becoming USA for UNHCR’s newest monthly donor