How refugee families help each other through the most difficult time of their lives
In times of crisis, families band together. Their bonds of love give them the strength and hope they need to carry on.
A hug from a devoted spouse. A mother’s protective arms around her child. An older sister looking out for her baby brother.
This is especially true for refugee families like husband and wife Ghareeb and Aysha and their three children — Fatmeh, 7, Arwa, 5 and Emad, 2. In 2017, they fled their home in Syria, where war has raged for years. There was no time to pack warm clothing or supplies for winter. Fatmeh and Arwa were wearing sandals without socks when they arrived in neighboring Jordan in November.
They reached safety. They had each other — and their love. That’s what mattered.
This young family also has the compassion of USA for UNHCR’s community of supporters. Donor generosity gives the UN Refugee Agency the resources needed to provide protection, shelter, food, water and healthcare to refugees all over the world.
In Jordan and the surrounding region, where hundreds of thousands of Syrians have fled, every winter brings violent snowstorms, icy winds and bone-chilling temperatures. But with donor support, the UN Refugee Agency is there — keeping vulnerable families safe from the cold.
Ghareeb, Aysha and their children now live in Za’atari Refugee Camp in Jordan. Fatmeh, Arwa and Emad have warm jackets, clothes and shoes. A weather-proofed shelter protects them all from the harsh winter weather. With cash assistance, they buy fuel for their stove, which they use to prepare meals. Mealtimes are particularly important to this family and other refugees. Gathering together gives them the chance to show their love for each other and feel hopeful for more peaceful days ahead.
Here’s how you can help…
Show your love and compassion for our world’s most vulnerable people by becoming USA for UNHCR’s newest monthly donor. Your dependable support will keep refugees warm this winter and provide protection, food, water and other humanitarian aid in every season. Please start your first monthly gifts today.