Each week we collect the most interesting, inspiring and innovative refugee stories from around the world to share with you. Here are this week’s picks:
Nothing Is Stronger Than a Mother’s Love (via Global Moms Challenge)
The motivation, spirit and resilience of refugee mothers should inspire all of us.
Mothers like Um Abhoud who fled Syria in 2013. It was the only way to keep her children safe from the war.
“I miss my land, my home, my family. I miss everything from Syria. […] The most important thing is that we are sheltered all together in this house and that we are happy.” -Um Abhoud
Meet three refugee mothers who will go any length to protect their children.
Help Refugee Children Reach for Their Dreams (via USA for UNHCR)
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Refugee children have hopes and dreams – education is key to their success.
You can help refugee children with a donation today: http://bit.ly/2qLaEiT
The Social Ties Urban Refugees Need (via CityLab)
When you hear the word “refugee” what is the first thing that comes to mind? Commonly, the images we see are people fleeing violence or in a camp setting.
But did you know the overwhelming majority of refugees live outside of camps? Millions currently live in urban areas and struggle every day to secure basic necessities like food and shelter.
Read more about the unique situation of urban refugees and some of the creative initiatives proposed to meet their needs.
Refugees Who Changed the World (via CNN)
Science, music, fashion, religion, literature and film. There is literally no area of human endeavor that refugees have not shaped.
Meet some of history’s most remarkable refugees and how they helped change the world for the better.
This Is Us Star Milana Vayntrub Shares Her Refugee Story (via InStyle)
Maybe you’ve seen Milana Vayntrub in an AT&T commercial or on the NBC drama This is Us, but did you know she is a refugee?
Learn more about Milana’s journey, her family’s experience as refugees and about her campaign “Can’t Do Nothing.”