USA for UNHCR is pleased to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. It features large photos, clear calls to action, a clean, uncluttered design and balances the fundraising and educational components of our work. The site also responds to how users access and engage content - the site is optimized for all device types.
Our new website expands the focus of USA for UNHCR's work beyond its efforts responding to emergency refugee situations such as in Syria or the current Rohingya crisis, and prominently features programmatic work. New pages highlight support for the resettled community in the U.S., as well as efforts to help refugees build skills and become economically independent.
We completely revamped the partners and foundations page to showcase how the private sector can advance social objectives and help support refugees. We have also added a robust community engagement page. There, anyone interested in raising funds and awareness for refugees can access the support and materials they need to be successful.
This new website allows us at USA for UNHCR to continue effectively engaging current supporters and stakeholders. We hope it will also be instrumental to growing a new community of support. We will update the site regularly to feature the latest news on refugees and how USA for UNHCR donors and partners are helping refugees survive, recover and build a better future.
Please take look around and let us know what you think.